the Dumb Paint Tool 

A Uber SourcesOpen Super Duper Powerful  and User-Friendly ASCII/ANSI/UTF-8  Terminal art editor.


  • Pure Terminal App (it runs on xterm or Terminator or MacOS Terminal or Windows Terminal or . . .)
  • Did I mention it is a Terminal App? You can run it via SSH, Telnet or Serial
  • Wide variety of glyphs (UTF-8)
  • Wide Variety of tools
  • Copy and Paste from the terminal or the web app
  • Drag files to be open (WebVersion Only)
  • Image/Pictures import with configurable ASCII rasterizers
  • Layers
  • Intelligent Transparent Layers
  • Beautiful Dumb Transparent Layers
  • ANSI/ASCII Export
  • Unlimited Undo/Redo
  • And more to come . . .


github, pypi

Used in:

A Snake🐍 on a Plane✈️ - The Roguelike

This farting beauty is due to:

pyTermTk a magical mesmerising  Python TUI library

Run in the Terminal:

pip install dumbPaintTool --upgrade

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